Code of Ethics
This is the code of ethics that guides my working and teaching standards. This holds me accountable and gives you an idea of who I am and how I teach. Take your time to read it, if this resonates with you, you’ll know we are aligned.
Being true to myself is one of the guiding principles in my life. In all my encounters with people, honesty is what prevails. All meditations I lead, and all the meditation classes I teach are coming from my constant studies and what I know to be true. I commit to sharing this truth in a humble, flexible, open-minded, and respectful way.
Social Justice
Another principle that has guided all my actions, both privately and professionally is social justice. I see the deep injustices in the world we live in, and I commit to serving in whichever way I can to mitigate or raise awareness about them. I commit to never spiritually bypass, and to do the work to bring mindfulness and meditation to communities that can’t afford access to spaces of wellness and wellbeing.
In Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation (2016), Rev. angel Kyodo Williams, Sensei, wrote “our healing cannot wait until the structures acquiesce, are dismantled, or come undone". The regular practice of meditation has brought mental clarity, as well as a deep sense of unconditional love and spaciousness into my life. This is why I want to spread meditation far and wide. Deep inside, I know that social justice can be achieved if we get in touch with the light inside of us and let it shine in freedom and truth.
I’ll always act from a place of presence, compassion, and service. I’m here to guide you and assist you in finding that which works best for you and your wellbeing.
I don’t teach anything I haven’t tried and lived myself. My studies of meditation, mindfulness, wellbeing, and presence are in continuous growth. I commit to sharing from a place of truth, generosity, sincerity, and openness.
Why accessible fees?
It is no secret that access to wellness spaces has become increasingly exclusive and expensive. I believe that access to these moments and teachings should be open and of benefit to all that want to; lack of money shouldn’t be a hindrance to access this knowledge. My intention is to create a community that helps each other out to the best of their abilities, in love and respect. For my online courses, I offer accessible fees, each person can decide among three costs how much they can afford at the moment of booking.
And why do I charge then? Because this is my work. And also, because the technology platforms I use to teach have a cost, and so do my certification courses to deepen into these practices, philosophy, and teachings. The most common exchange of energy today is called money, and that’s how we get by in this world.
Primordial Sound Meditation (Chopra Meditation), I AM Yoga Nidra, and other meditation and relaxation techniques are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, I’ll always encourage you to seek the appropriate medical professional.
The practices and techniques I teach and share can be a complement, but never a substitute for treatment or services ordinarily provided by health care professionals for physiological, psychiatric, or psychological conditions.
Primordial Sound Meditation and I AM Yoga Nidra are not religious practices.