...and now breathe out, let it all go.
Welcome to a sanctuary for your mind and soul. If you're craving more peace and fulfillment in your life, you've come to the right place
Maybe you find yourself caught in the cycle of stress and exhaustion, yearning for a more fulfilling and joyful life. Perhaps you often crave moments of peace and tranquility, longing for a deeper connection to the happiness and contentment that life has to offer.
You know you need to slow down and take it easy; you know you want to take time just for yourself but don’t know where to start.
A meditation practice might be exactly what is seeking to enter your life right now.
There is a tiny silent gap in between one thought and the next one. Meditation helps you get in contact with that gap, and with a regular practice you’ll notice how that gap becomes more spacious bringing with it a sense of calm and centeredness.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery through my offerings, where you'll uncover the secrets to cultivating inner peace, rejuvenating your spirit, and embracing each day with renewed clarity and purpose.
I specialize in two meditation practices designed to help you slow down, find deep rest, relax, and effortlessly release stress: Primordial Sound Meditation (also known as Chopra Meditation) and I AM Yoga Nidra.
My intention is to help people stop all the doing and settle into just being by getting in touch with silence through meditation. These are the different tools I offer, feel free to browse through them and learn more.
Primordial Sound Meditation
Also known as Chopra Meditation. This is for you if you know meditation is an amazing tool but haven’t found a practice effortless enough to help you create a regular meditation habit.
You are curious about mantra-based, silent meditation.
🇸🇪 Yoga Nidra på Ayurvediskt center Malmö
Yoga Nidra-kurser och prova på-sessioner.
Live klasser på svenska på Ayurvediskt center Malmö
Meditation Library
Free access to short mindfulness-based meditations to center, relax, and connect to compassion.
About Me
My name is Ana María Bermeo and I am very happy you found your way here!
I am a meditation teacher and guide on the path of inner transformation, offering the timeless wisdom of meditation and yoga nidra to those seeking clarity, peace, and authentic growth. With a blend of intuitive insight and grounded empathy, I create space for individuals to explore their inner landscape, fostering self-awareness and compassion.
My approach is rooted in honesty, social justice, and accessibility, ensuring that the transformative power of contemplative practices is available to all. Through Chopra Meditation and I AM Yoga Nidra, I support my students in navigating life's challenges with grace, cultivating inner peace, and contributing to a more conscious, compassionate world.
I facilitate sessions and teach in Spanish, English, and Swedish.
Why "Meditation & Rest"?
Our lives are cluttered with noise: the news, social media, our constantly beeping phones, the streets, and even our own thoughts. Noise everywhere. Have you ever noticed the sudden silence that ensues when the fridge or a ventilation system suddenly stops? It is then you notice the effect this noise you had just normalized has in you and enjoy this deep silence. You may even let out a long sigh and notice that your body spontaneously unclenches and relaxes.
This feeling of quietude and peace is available to you without the need to control your surroundings. Underneath all the turmoil there is silence. Our true, free essence resides there. This silent space can be accessed through meditation.
Your heart’s nature is to beat. And your mind’s nature is to think, putting your mind in blank is therefore impossible! Meditation is not about leaving your mind free of thoughts, it is about transcending them.
and Rest
I am one of those persons whose life changed upon the diagnosis “burnout”. I remember my doctor telling me to rest and my very confused, busy head asking, “what does it mean? how do you do that? How do I rest?” It was then I understood a fundamental shift needed to happen, and I turned to a regular meditation practice, that silent space where I could let go of all doing and finally rest. I found so much peace and compassion I understood this needed to be shared with the world.
I decided to deepen my knowledge and get certifications in two ancient meditation practices––Primordial Sound Meditation and Yoga Nidra.
This is how I've decided to serve our world.
Our society is extremely focused on being productive, doing doing doing, performing, and other structures that are wearing us out and keeping us far away from our true essence. Rest is seen as something you earn only after hard work or when ill. I disagree. I believe rest is a right we all have, as well as a basic need. Carving out spaces to rest deeply should be a priority in our daily life. That’s why I've created some spaces dedicated to the beautiful practice of Yoga Nidra where you can allow yourself to stop all the doing and settle into being.
In time, Primordial Sound Meditation and Yoga Nidra have become my practices to be free, truly free from all roles, and self-imposed limitations and expectations. This is my truth and what I want to share with you.

Benefits of Meditation
Whatever it is you do, it will be enriched and benefit from a regular meditation practice. You will feel calmer and that you can act from a place of presence and awareness.
Meditation is the antidote to stress, and with a regular practice, you will get better at being, not just doing.
A regular meditation practice has many science-proven emotional and physical benefits, among them:
Reduced stress
Better management of stressful situations
Better relationship with your thoughts, without judgment
Decreased anxiety levels
Increased compassion and tolerance, towards others and yourself
Better focus and concentration
Improved sleep quality
Increased creativity
Learn to focus in the present moment
The meditation techniques I practice and teach are effortless and easy to practice. You don't need to sit up straight in uncomfortable positions or perform a series of physically demanding postures. Primordial Sound Meditation and I AM Yoga Nidra allow your body to settle into a profound relaxation state so you can achieve inner peace and come back there again, and again.
Starting and sustaining a meditation practice might take time and patience. I am here to support you and guide you along the way.
What some of my students are saying
Primordial Sound Meditation, Yoga Nidra, and other meditation and relaxation techniques are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, I’ll always encourage you to seek the appropriate medical professional.
Primordial Sound Meditation, Yoga Nidra, and other meditation and relaxation techniques can be a complement to, but never a substitute for treatment or services ordinarily provided by health care professionals for physiological, psychiatric, or psychological conditions.
Primordial Sound Meditation and Yoga Nidra are not religious practices.